Our Services

3D/4D Ultrasound

In recent years, ultrasound has developed with the ability to provide 3 and 4 dimensional images (3D/4D). This imaging modality was used initially to examine the baby’s face. The widespread use of 3D/4D imaging in medical practice started to take place at the turn of the century with the introduction of rapid computer processing technology.

3D/4D is becoming an indispensable tool in modern obstetrics especially when it comes to identifying the extent of fetal malformations that were impossible to identify with the traditional 2D imaging. The process of 3D/4D imaging involves two components: The volume acquisition which requires state of the art ultrasound equipment, and the post-processing manipulation of the volume that requires extensive knowledge and expertise.

Physicians at MFAMA only use top of the line equipment with advanced 3D/4D capabilities. In addition, our physicians and sonographers are experienced in providing and interpreting 3D/4D imaging. Some clinical applications of 3D/4D imaging include:

Fetal Malformations:

  • Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord) malformations
  • Skeletal (upper and lower extremities) and spine malformations
  • Face and neck malformations
  • Heart malformations
  • Kidney, bladder, and gastro-intestinal malformations

Placental and umbilical cord abnormalities;

  • Abnormally implanted placentas (Placenta Accreta)
  • Abnormal umbilical cord implantation (Velamentous cord insertion and Vasa Previa)

Recurrent Pregnancy loss and history of early delivery:

  • Multiple unexplained miscarriages
  • Uterine abnormalities

As a courtesy, we at MFAMA make the effort to provide images and sometimes 3D/4D images for you when the baby is in a favorable position. These very high-resolution images can be sent to your cell phone or email so you can enjoy them and share them with your family and friends.

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