Thanks to the exceptional care I received at MFAMA, I was able to take the right steps to care for myself throughout my high-risk pregnancy. With consistent monitoring, expert guidance, and the compassion of Dr. Elkousy, I made it all the way to 39 weeks and 1 day—just one day before my scheduled C-section, when my water finally broke. Early on, we weren’t sure I’d make it past 34 weeks, so reaching 39 weeks felt like an incredible victory. I am a true success story!
At my 20-week anatomy scan, I learned that my cervix had shortened and I was at risk for pre-term labor. I was quickly referred to MFAMA for evaluation. Initially, the doctors weren’t too concerned, but over the next few weeks, the situation worsened rapidly. I was told I had a 50/50 chance of delivering before 34 weeks and was advised to take it easy, staying off my feet as much as possible.
Unfortunately, I was a few weeks past the ideal time for a cerclage, so Dr. Elkousy placed a cervical pessary instead. That pessary felt like my lifeline—it brought me a sense of relief during a very uncertain time. Every week felt like a countdown, as we wondered if this would be the week I would go into preterm labor.
When we reached 34 weeks, it was a huge milestone. Dr. Elkousy had been unsure how far we would make it, so that moment felt like a victory in itself. The pessary was removed at 36 weeks, and then, at 39 weeks and 1 day, my water broke—just a day before my scheduled C-section.
To our surprise (as we did not know the gender beforehand), I delivered another healthy, 7lb 4oz baby girl, and today, she’s 8 months old, thriving and full of joy. Looking back on that journey, I’m incredibly thankful for how far we’ve come and for the amazing, compassionate support we received along the way. Dr. Elkousy was incredibly knowledgable, caring, and gentle. His informative approach, combined with his soothing bedside manner, always put my mind at ease. I truly felt supported and confident throughout my entire journey, thanks to his care.
StephanieRequest an Appointment
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